click on the spaghetti to go back to home!
I decided that my main focus point would be the question: "How to eat together in isolation?" because I wanted to relate this project to the time we are currently in and I am interested in the way digital media is changing our lives. I started out with simple illustrations of people eating or drinking together via a video call, showing the warmth and joy of eating together.
I then started thinking about interesting ways I could turn this into a series. After getting feedback from Isaac and talking about the topic of dating I started making illustrations of what can go wrong during an online dinner date. For example, spilling wine over the computer, awkward silences and not knowing when to hang up.
One of the first illustrations I made for this was the one of two girls sharing spaghetti through the screen. I got the idea after FaceTiming with my grandparents while eating cake and thinking about how cool it would be if I could give them a piece through our screen. Illustration was a great way to depict this idea as you can make anything possible with a drawing. I decided to turn this into the final series for this project and began making more illustrations like this.